Week of May 6 - May 22, 2024
✨ What’s Changed
Cart Modal Updates: Enhancements made to the cart modal for a better user experience.
Next.js Upgrade: Frontend upgraded from version 14.2.1 to 14.2.3.
Graph Metric Card: Updated Graph Metric Card functionality.
Claim Number Form: Organization name added to the claim number form.
Planning Center 2-Way Sync: Added support for 2-way sync with Planning Center.
Discover Side Drawers/Modals Reskin: Reskinned Discover Side Drawers/Modals with Genesis styling.
Sign In Modal: Added Gloo logo to the Sign In Modal.
Genesis Reach Settings: Updated reach settings and converted required activation steps to modals.
Discover Item Modal: Implemented route to open modal for Discover items.
Integration Sync: Synced Gloo app user edits to Planning Center.
Messaging Analytics: Added more functions for messaging analytics.
Gmail Integration: Implemented Gmail integration.
Form Pre-fill: Pre-filled forms for a smoother onboarding experience.
Discover Banner Carousel: Updated banner carousel on Discover page.
User Detail Views: Restored user detail views.
Onboarding Improvements: Enhanced the onboarding process for smoother transitions.
Groups UX Update: Improved groups UX with bulk deletes, simplified status tagging, and reactivation.
Genesis Styling for Settings Pages: Updated Settings pages to align with Genesis styling.
Resource Library Update: Renamed Resource Library to Success Center
⚙️ Fixes and Improvements
OAuth Callback Fix: Corrected callback URL for OAuth when not logged in.
Sign-in Callback Fix: Prevented passing base URL if it's already there during sign-in callback.
Instant Feedback and Loading States: Implemented instant feedback and loading states.
Component Restructuring: Updated design and restructured components for better performance.
Back to Integrations Button: Replaced "Back to Integrations" with a "Cancel" button.