Week of May 1 - May 6, 2024
✨ What’s Changed
Hubs Titles Adjustment: Hub titles have been updated to display correctly.
Text Display Optimization: Implemented fixes to prevent text from being cut off.
Import Users Test Enhancement: Addressed import users test issues via CSV.
Marketplace Enhancement: Improved carousel for Gloo app marketplace with support for screenshots/gifs.
Integration Display Update: Modified display to show "View" instead of "Connect" for legacy integrations.
⚙️ Fixes and Improvements
Performance Enhancement: Implemented improvements to handle failures.
Match Enhancement: Updated match functionality.
Nightly Sync Scheduling: Scheduled nightly sync.
Pricing Display Enhancement: Updated cards to always display Gloo+ member pricing.
Persona Authentication Content Update: Updated content for persona authentication.
Integration Sync Fix: Fixed people processed count for integration sync.