Week of July 2 - July 8, 2024
What's Changed
🚀 Upgraded the Faker library for improved data generation.
📱 Enhanced responsive styling across the platform.
📝 Fixed text cutoff issues and resolved problems with saving onboarding messages.
🔄 Removed blocking API calls on page load for faster performance.
🎨 Updated navigation with new features like "New" badges for workflows and Local SMS route.
Fixes and Improvements
🛠️ Repaired eslint configuration for gloo-ui and removed old stepper code.
🧹 Removed barrel imports and optimized root layout for better efficiency.
⚙️ Fixed broken tests and admin links after navigation updates.
📊 Added message counter services to the frontend and improved login speed.
🧪 Updated test automation for marketplace and Gloo Purchase, and optimized cache for assessments library.